Normally Halloween would be the highlight of this week, but this year it felt like a bit of a non-event.  The house decorations were up and then down within 24 hours.  With no adult parties, and with my bigger kids no longer out on the “trick or treat” scene, and the little guy self-sufficient enough to go door to door alone (in fact more than self-sufficient as he scored 358 units of candy), this was the first year in quite some time that I didn’t get dressed up.  A shame given that on sabbatical I would have had time to come up with an epic costume (not to say the recent years’ costumes of Darryl Hall (of Hall & Oates) and former WWE superstar Jake “the Snake” Roberts weren’t epic…).   None the less, good times were had with a few close friends and some Chinese food take out (as per our long-standing family tradition).

Did get a little extra quality time with the kids this past week thanks to school PD days on Monday and Friday.  Quality time, as in racing go-carts and shooting 9mm Glocks at the gun range… (see photographic evidence on Instagram @SabbaticalDadJon).

Slowly making progress on my tennis game, having played every day last week.  Still a lot of work to do to keep up with the tennis moms though.