Feels like we’ve entered the “dog days” of the sabbatical. Struggling to recall any great new accomplishments or learnings from this past week.  Just a whole lot of at-home job jar tasks. And more socially distanced work outs.  Pretty soon I may have to break down and start riding the Peloton bike in my basement.

That being said, the kids and I knocked off a couple of fun things. There was another PD day at school on Friday (it’s now become clear to me that there are way more of these than I ever imagined – I may need to re-consider a new career as a grade 5 teacher, they get sabbaticals right?). So, my youngest son and I tried out a new 3D flight simulator experience in town.  We got to “fly” F-18 fighter jets. Pretty complicated set ups so I figured I’d have the advantage, but clearly the hours upon hours of video games played had prepared my son well for the battle, shooting me out of the sky repeatedly. I’m more of a Navy guy anyways.

I also took my meditation practice to a whole new level this week with a “float” experience at the spa.  One hour enclosed inside of a large egg-shaped pod floating in salt water in complete darkness with nothing but my own thoughts. Interesting sensory deprivation exercise. Still trying to decide if it was the ultimate in relaxation or torture. But my guess is that they picked up this pod unit at a Guantanamo Bay estate sale.

Working on a few fun plans for the coming week, but don’t want to get too far ahead of myself here in the event they get sidetracked with any further lockdown.

PS:  Finally began my “bake your own sourdough bread” project.  Turns out you need to grow a yeast starter for 7 days. This is proving more complicated than planned.  Stay tuned.